Wednesday, 23 January 2008

My First Competition - part 3

The tower was ok as it turned out, 3/6 and the last three so I was relatively happy that I homed in on the birds ok.

I excelled myself in the "Bay of pigs" which is rapidly becoming one of my favourite bays now I can wing afew of them! 7/8 and I missed the last bird due to a lack of concentration I think.

This shooting competition was turning out to be a lot more enjoyable than I expected. As I headed to the last two stands I was very pleased with the overall results so far.

The penultimate stand was a bird off the top tower right to left moving at no speed at all and a going away bird that curved to the left as it climbed steeply. The result was 1/8 which was a disappointment after so many success's but it is to be expected this early in my clay pigeon shooting career.

The last stand was off the two top towers, one right to left, the other straight towards me over my head, I think I scored 3/8 or maybe 4/8 which was ok considering I currently dislike towers and especially incoming directly overhead ones......

What I have learned is that I have much practice to do but now I know what areas to work on.....

I shoot at Sporting Targets Corporate Entertainment and Clay Pigeon Shooting ground in Bedfordshire.

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