Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Back shooting with avengance

Spring is in the air and although I have spent the winter shooting I have not been blogging about it as it has been cold, wet and mostly uneventful.

I have however been steadily progressing and in the last five competitions I have scored 66, 70,70, 73 and 73. These have been around the country, not just at sporting targets so I feel like I am definately improving.

A few weeks ago I had a lesson with Ed Solomons and I think I learnt lots from it. He had me attacking the clay a lot more and refined everything from my pick up point and where I start my gun through to how I actually perceive each target. The same afternoon I shot the winter series at Sporting Targets and did well, followed by two 100 birders on Sunday and three rounds of something quite tricky at the Royal Berkshire shooting ground, that included a 20 target flurrey which was a new experience for me!

In all I shot a 61, 65 and 66 during my three attempts which I was not too displeased with. It was a handicap competition and I was given a 20 handicap so my best score was 86, not far off the 93 needed to qualify for the finals!!

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